Monday, February 11, 2013

Ontario report on large study about youth and adults with AutismSpectrum Disorders is released

Some blurbs from the press release:

Today, the Research Report on Ontario's Youth and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders has been released.

The study profiles the needs of 480 youth and adults across Ontario. It identified that along with the core features of an Autism Spectrum Disorder, youth and adults also are faced with many other struggles related to health conditions, medication use, mental health problems, social isolation and other disabilities.

In addition, these youth, adults, and their families find a scarcity of services and supports that are knowledgeable about their needs. In the report, many adults and their families remarked their communities lacked ASD-specific expertise and capacity, especially when it comes to adults. Many reported unsatisfactory experiences with the new Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).

Other findings of the research include:
  • 75% of the adults 20 years and older had an annual income under $30,000 o The largest income source was the Ontario Disability Support Program for
    209 (58.2%) adults
  • Full-time employment was the primary income source for only 50 (13.9%),
    and part-time employment for 22 (6.1%) of the sample
  • Only 51.8% of the sample with “high-functioning autism” or Asperger
    Syndrome were diagnosed before 21 years of age
  • Over 60% of the youth and adults needed regular support accessing services o 31% of respondents felt they had an undiagnosed mental health disorder
  • 38.4% took part in only one social interaction or less a month
  • 73 people (15.2%) had no regular, structured activities outside of home

To read the Press Release and find out more, click here.

To download the full report click here.